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DATE Myaulg BY W64 Tehwesloy




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Pe ee he ised a f 3

alias J Paul Getty 647 South Kingsley Drive los Angeles, California

a BUSINESS ADDRESS 417 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, California. TRATION gen PE TUUUCET GETTY 1s a United States citazen who was born at Monneapolis, Minne-

sota on December 15, 1 Washington Field Invision, Confidential - Informant S-2. 12/30/40} i te


~~, *

Subject frequently associated socially with and on numerous occasions during his various periods o ving in

Germany met and associated a number of tames with HITLER as common< law wife and two children presently residing in, Germany Scream tial National Defense Informant 10-1. 4/22/414 #=eo"FTTE™ 3

aPPROPT TATE AGENCIES AN” ° DP OFFICES . J hee ROUTING * ALP HATA og Aw IE = S.1P(S) Or, D¥e [A 9 /T/ ed ann Wah CLE DATE, US 2. N77) OF FIV Ys j ADVI gy | bana Nerd TRO + 7 UL cr xT BY Sei Lede “Ss?

COPIES DESTROYay 2 RECong eee oe 2 3 JUN 96 1973 : aes ta

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DECLASS 2 , i . ee oR RAE sy SA SHEER Ag cant oy


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Form No 1





OQ -_—_—

TITLE CHARACTER OF CASE o _ JEAN PAUL “GETTY, | Alias J, Pauletty. | ESPIONAGE SYNOPSIS OF FACTS Getty Realty Corporation owns and operates

Hotel Pierre which was erected in 1929 by ROPRIATE ACENCING Hotel Pierre Inc which leased land site

i yee OFFICES ~, from Gerry Estates Inc. Complete information AWVISED BY ROUTING lative to organization and purchase of SFP ( 8) ORUASS Hy jtel Pierre set out. No information on

Fa Present activities of GETTY obtained at

emical Bank & Trust Co. No indication that

employees and those who frequent hotel have _

Italian Consular connections, ~


eport of Special Agent V. I. PERRY dated ; November 12, 1940 at Los Angeles, California,

Report of Specaal Agen Mpril 30, 1941 at los

DETAILS: On July 24, 1940[ dopa | the New York Field Davision and advised that he was 08 to Med the of the William Allen White ae a Do e, est 4 reset, New York City. He stated | Lafiefer 34 that one GETTY, owner of the Hotel PIERRE was a very wealthy American with pro-Nazi sympathies, He stated that GETTY, who lived at Sutton Place, New York fe



eee ae :





had been in Germany ani was apparently popular with the more important Nazi officials, He stated that GETTY, who is saad to be of Scotch desce ent at the "Cellar Trials" after the Reichstag Fire, stated that GETTY 1s also a large -minority stockholder in the Tidewater 011 Company which sojd 1,000,000 barrels of oil to the Soviet Government some time ago.

Be ai

On December 20, 1940 a copyrighted article appeared in the New York Daily News entitled "Agents of Five Nations at Grips in Hotel Here", This article set forth the statement that twenty American n had pooled $100,000,000 for investment in Mexico if ould give a free hand. It further alleged that J. PAUL GETTY, present owner of the Hotel Pierre and personal friend “of ADOLF HITLER had supplied oil to Russia and wag, at the time article was written, on a yacht cruise with WILLIAM GIBBS7McADOO. There were further allegations to the effect that the F. Be I, was sure tint a "definite understanding was reached on the Getty-

axis which bears on the charge o: oppone

heart belongs to the Nazis". This information was furnished to the Bureau by letter with a copy to the los Angeles Field Division under date of December 21, 1940,

On December 30, 1940 of the Hotel Pierre, came to the New York office

eres by Special igen ee tions that as a result of the newspaper publicity, business at ¢ al.

Pierre had materially decreased and many of the residents had

andicated thear antention of changing thear place of residence by reason of the charges set forth 3 in thas newspaper article. While he expressed hig opinion that neither | Xs, the owner of the Hotel, nor himself as were desirous of bringing any civil action against the Daily News for the charges contained in above referred to article, he was desirous if possible, of securing some . sort of letter or written statement from the Bureau indicating that

the information and charges appearing in the article were not, as mentioned therein, furnished to the newspaper by the Federal Bureau

of Tavastigetion,

was advised that in view of the confidential ~anfermation appearing in the files of the Bureau, no statement or comment could be made as to whether the Bureau was conducting any investigation concerning any individuals mentioned in the Newspaper article,

At the time of the interview in addition to being Realty Company, which operates the Hc Py : lew York City,

5 S

“CONFIDENTIAL of the Pacific Western 0211 Co; r of the Kelly 01, Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and

of the Santa Fe Investment Company. ~-


cr ty vod CPS ey

anformed that the Getty Realty Company purchased an interest in the Hotel Pierre in September 1938 but did not acquire the ownership and complete operation thereof until May by 1939

[___jadvasea that subject GETTY traced his ancestry back to the American Revolution, that GETTY was a loyal American and that the charges made against him in this newspaper article were absolutely absurd. He advised that, as a matter of fact, Mr. GETTY has never had any darect contact or acquaintance with

tted that he was an acquaintance o a en of whom were, for a period of time, Hotel Pierre, He also admtted that, at the time o erview, Mr. GETTY was at Mexico City for the inauguration of the new presidents This information was furnished to the Bureau by letter wath a copy to the los Angeles Field Division on December 30, 1940,

On December 23, 1940, | | attorney, 19 Rector Street, New York Caty, came to the New York Field office with the cli from the New York Daily News of December 20, 1940 1n which Coe det News syndacate[—] reported the activities of uals living at the Pierre Hotel, New York Caty,

this article being the article above-referred to. [ __]said the article was highly damaging to the reputation_and prestige of the

Hotel Pierre and its owner JEAN PAUL GETTY. stated that

he came to the office at the request of 50 Broadway, New York City, Attorney for the Hotel Pierre and also for GETTY, to

try to find out if any investigation is being conducted on GETTY

by the F. B. I. as the newspaper article intimated,

was advis t this Bureau dad not authorize the publication o e story a and that it was the policy of the office not te divuige any information concerning investigative activities in which the Bureau was engaged or interested,

stated that if any information was desired concerning GETTY or the Hotel Pierre, that Fgbrouta be glad to give it to a representative of this office and that GETTY himself would be glad to cooperate with this office when he returned from Califorma,

former of the Hotel Pierre resigned in the Fall of 1940 and

was unemployed as far as he knew.

3 : . —LONH DEN ; int

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ro Fe aitrmshe a copy of a letter written by the firm of Leve, Hecht and Hadfield, Attorneys, 50 Broadway, New York City, to the News Syndicate Company Inc., 220 East 42 Street, New York City, dated December 20, 1940, pertinent portions of which letter read as follows: -

"We are writing on behalf of our client, Mr. J. PAUL GETTY with respect to the malicious, defamatory, libelous and - wholly false statements concerning him contained in an

7 - article printed in the Daily News on Friday, December 20,


"It is regretable that you saw fit to make the statement concerning Mr. GETTY contained in the artacle, in spite of the fact that prior to publication you were notified specifically of the untruth of such statements and were told that Mr, GETTY would hold you accountable for your actions.

"Among the many statements and innuendos in the article which are absolutely untrue and without foundation and most of which in our opinion are defamatory and libelous, are the following: ~

1, That Mr. Getty 1s engaged directly or indirectly in espionage activities, or 1s party to a conspiracy for

such purpose.

2. That Mr, Getty 1s a friend of Adolf ‘htler. Mr. Getty does not know and has never met Hitler,

3. That Mr, Getty 1s involved in dealings or in a conspiracy to sell oil to the Axis or to Germany, Neither Mr. Getty a nor any company owned or controlled by him has directly or indirectly sold, negotiated for the sale of, or contemplated the sale of any oil or any other products to the Axis or any members thereof, nor have they participated an any transactions of any character in any way to do so.

4s That Mr. Getty was a supplier of o11 to Russia, Neither Mr, Getty nor any company owned or controlled by him, is selling, or has at any time sold, nor is 1t now contemplated by them to sell, any 011 to Russia,

That Mr. Cetty is involved in some way mati _] in either business or political activities, Mr. Getty does not know and has neyer met[ ———“‘(SséC&@é( and has never either directly or indirectly had any business or any political dealings with him or concerning him.


@ e

65~6629 6. That Mr. Getty wore a necktie presented by Adolf Hitler, .

Mr, Getty was never presented with a tie by Adolf Kitler, has never owned or worn such a tie, and has never had his

portrait painted in such tie, The tie worn Mr, Getty a c—_ was a tire purchase ure y at sérry's One 9. That Mr, Gett tanned from Europe on the Conte di Savo1a . nn and there is some improper relation- ship existing bptween J was not on the Conte

di. Savo1a with Mr, Getty. was introduced to Mr. Cetty thereafter by a mutual friend in New York in the latter part of last year and 1s merely a casual friend of

ir, Cetty.

8, That Mr. Gett osely associated rath Mr, Getty me ey socially over twenty years ago7an , has not seen him since that time, except for a casual meeting about 4 year and a half ago. Neither Mr Getty nor any companies with which he 1s associated have ever had any

| political dealings, directly or indiredtly, with -

9. dealings of some character with Mr. Getty does not know and has never met : never had any dealings directly or | indirectly with cept{ pe either a business or political character,

10,.That Mr. Getty 1s involved in a conspiracy or understanding Oy Gone, serene peony why a to any gS, busineds or po cal, with any of the persons mentioned, and has never met ethef

ii That Mr. Getty has had business or political dealings, or has entered into a conspriacy to aid the Nazis, Mr. Getty has never had any business or political dealings of any kind or character, directly or indirectly, with or for the benefit of the Nazis, or with anybody on their behalf,

azethat Urs Getty’ 18 pro-Nazi. Mr. Getty has been a constant Supporter of campaigns and funds designed to aid the Bratish, He 1s in no sense of the word, and never has been, pro-Fau,

23 Getty was party to a conspiracy to overthrow the Government, This is a fantastic untruth,



eo > pS & e r KIC ~ é fi hat

14s That_M tty was on a yachting party with Mr. McAdoo

and Mr. Getty has never been on any yeeht belonging to Mr. McAdoo and does not even know whether

Mr. McAdoo owns a yacht. On his visit to Mexico with Mr. ueadoo,| | was not with them at any time,

That there 15-5 er connection between Mr. Getty and the fact that i of the Hotel Pierre, a hat Mr.flange 1s employed by the Hotel.

has been with the Hotel for many years prior to e it was purchased by its present owner Mr, Getty had nothing to do_with the original hiring of

the retention of or the fact on The president of the Board of Directors of the corporation operating the Hotel 1s solely responsible

for being retained by the hotel and his being and Mr. Getty 1s not a member of the Board of Directors. .

As tof ___t he 1s and has been for many years an American citizen, and was an[_—~—~‘“‘;*™C Jf the Hote) employed

by the former owners. He has continued to be retained and made[—S~™*~é—“‘*;™C™CC b@Cause of his good work, No knowledge or information known by the management of the Hotel

would indicate 1n any way that[_—Ss—S—S—=sédis: anythang other than a good dmerican citézen,

Mr. Lange has been employed by the management of the hotel to do a special job, He, too, is an American citizen, and there 1s no knowledge or information which the Hotel has which would indicate that he 1s anything other than a good American citizen.

As for the guests of the Hotel, Mr. Getty has nothing to do, directly or indirectly, with who such guests are, The hotel is a public institution and 1s ready and compelled by law to

rent available space to all persons of reputable character, ‘without being concerned with their polatical or business

affiliations, and cannot possibly be held responsible for the same, *

The ebove-quoted letter demanded, on behalf of Mr. GETTY that the News Syndicate Company Inc. publish a full and adequate retraction, giving such retraction as mich publacity and space as the original article. :

| __s Credit Bureau of Greater New York, 373 Seventh Avenue, New York City, produced a file on JEAN PAUL GETTY. Report in this file dated October 23, 1940 indicated GETTY'S residence

as Santa Monica, California and also listed the following former residences:


e ¢ aro

1h OC}


1 Sutton Place South CONF TEN mac New York Caty & 226 No. Windsor Boulevard

los Angeles, California

the latter part o been divorced from

It was reported that Mr. GETTY was, for a number of years, active as an independent 011 producer with wells in California dnd maintained an office at°15 Exchange Place, Jersey City, New Jersey and also having an office at 1060 Subway Terminal, Ios Angeles, California. He 18 reported to be a very wealthy man taking care of his interests in the Getty Company which 1s also reported as owning and operating the Hotel Pierre, a high-class establishment in New York City, A

newspaper clipping in the file from the New York Daily November 17, 1939 indicated that J. PAUL GETTY married September 14, 1939 in the American Consulate Homes

cated that this was J. PAUL GETTY'S-se

reed several years before from the mother of his two children, urther reflected that)

iY C7


yn Ge amihucb hon HA sot ud Soh ate

Confidential Informant #1 |produced files relative to J. PAUL % Au) GETTY. port dated June 18, 1940 in this file indicated that GETTY 2s not engaged in business in New York Caty individually but is the principal at interest financially in George F, Getty, Inc., 15 Exchange Place, Jersey City, New Jersey, It was indicated that J. PAUL GETTY ais the son of the late George F. Getty who was for many vears engaged in the o11 producing industry, maintaining offices in los Angeles, Califormia, where he was 4 principal at interest in several California corporations. According to the report, J. PAUL GETTY has been active in the affairs of various concerns during his entire career and while he does not appear as officer or director, owns the entire capital stock of George F. Getty, Inc. either individually or as trustee of a fund established some years ago by his mother, Mrs, SARAH C. GETTY.

ay ~ & Me Do oe

65-6629 2


‘It was indicated that J PAUL GETTY has an account at the Commercial

Trust Company, Maan Office, New York City.

The file of the Getty Realty Corporation, which operates the Hotel Pierre, 2 - 6 East 61 Street, New York City, disclosed a ted

here was indicated s composed of the above-mentioned officers, Thais corporation was incorporated under New York laws September 30, 1938 with an authorized capital of 50,000 shares, having a par value of $100.00 each. The company is wholly owned subsidiary of George F Getty, Inc., a Delaware corporation formed December 30, 1936 and makes 1ts headquarters at 15 Exchange Place, Jersey City, New Jersey

George FefGetty Inc., functions as a holding corporation for

the Hotel Pierre ahd varipus petroleum production companies, The report intvcated that[ vere formerly beet the Getty Realty Corporation but they withdrew recently,

t was indicated that the Getty Realty Corporation owns and operates the Hotel Pierre,

A further review of the report dated December 6, 1940 disehosed the following information-

The Hotel Pierre was erected during 1929 by the Hotel Pierre Inc. which leased the land site from its owners, Gerry Estates Inc, for a pericd extending to 1950, On April 1, 1929 the Hotel Pierre Inc, gave a building loan mortgage on a leasehold to Straus National Bank and Trust Company to secure six percent gold bonds amounting to £6,500,000, The Hotel opened October 1930 but the Hotel Pierre Inc. was unable to meet real estate charges and during 1931 foreclosure proceedings were instituted by the above-mentioned bank as trustees for the bondholders in the sume of $6,500,000, The Hotel building was sold at auction for a comparatively nominal sum to the bondholders’ committee, which committee in turn disposed of the same to the 2 East 61 Street Corporation.

The 2 East 61 Street Corporation was formed under New York lews January 12, 1933. That company acquired the leasehold and took over the operations of the Hotel Pierre making little headway, On December 1, 1938 a creditors! petition was filed against the 2 East 61 Street Corporation under Shapter 10 of the Amended Bankruptcy Act of dune 26, 1938 and proceedings were held for the reorganization of the company. The petition explained that the Gerry Estates, which had owned the Hotel site sold out to the Cetty Realty Corporation which

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then threatened to terminate the tenancy unless back rent totaling $270,000 was paid within a thirty day period from November 2nds The report shows that the creditors' petition for reorganization was dismissed on April 12, 1939. Report of April 29, 1939 showed that

the 2 East 61 Street Corporation filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy and schedutes filed through Root, Clerk, Buckner and Valentine, attorneys for the bankrupt corporation, listed liabilaties at $5,057,767 and

assets of $3,378,245. The schedules also stated that The 2 East 61 Street Corporation had surrendered the premises to the Getty Realty Corporation, The Hotel Pierre Inc. filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy March 7, 1932. On December 18, 1939 the Getty Realty Corporation acquired title to the building at this address at the foreclosure sale which was held to satisfy judgment of approximately $635,000, The Getty Realty Corporation now owns the land and the burlding and operates the hotel building at this address,

is also| sot the parent company and

a number of 1ts subsidiaries. <Fohlowing employment by Sutro Company, stock brokers, of Los Angeles, California, he became associated with the Getty interests in 1935.

‘is reported to be an attorney and of George F, Getty Inc., and an officer in two other subsidiaries of that corporation, formerly an officer an The 2 East 61 Street Corporation 18

Getty Realty Corporation operates the exclusive Hotel Pierre which contains fortyeone stories and 738 rooms. Most of the rooms are leased on a monthly or yearly basis, A staff of over 325 persons is employed, Records show that the land and building are assessed in the name of Getty Realty Corporation for $6,900,000 1n 1940.

The Getty Realty Corporation has an account at the Central Hanover Bank, 60th Street aitth Avenue,

[conta dentaad informant #1 diso produced a file relative to(K/(U) George Fs tetty Inc. Holding Company, an oil producer, 15 Exchange =~ Place, Jersey City, New Jersey, A report dated November 22, 1940 andicated the officers of this corporation as follows:



eo ~I


A review of the aforementioned report in the file relative to George F. Getty Inc. disclosed the following information


The company was incorporated December 30, 1930 under Delaware jaws with an authorized capital stock of 85,000 shares of $100 par value. The net worth of the company at the present tame is approximately $22,000,000. This corporation represents 4 merger of the George F, Getty O1l Company, a Delaware corporation, George F, Getty Inc., a Califorma corporation, and the George Getty Petroleum Corporation, a Delaware corporation, and was organized to consolidate the forces of those companies, J. PAUL GETTY 1s stated to own the entire capital stock of this corporation, either andividually or as a trustee of a fund established some years ago by his mother, Mrs. SARAH C. GETTY, The Getty family has been active in the 011 producing industry for many years and was, for a period, under the direction and control of the late GEORGE F. GETTY. Because of physical disabilities prior to his death in 1930, his affairs had been under the management of a commttee of trusted employees for some years, In January 1924 GEORGE F. ,GETTY INC, was formed under California laws but took over the major portion of his personal holdings and after his death in 1930 ms intergsts were acquired by has widow SARAH C. GETTY and his son JEAN PAUL GETTY. JEAN PAUL GETTY was the administrator of the estate of GEORGE F. GETTY which controlled various companies subsequently formed to acquire and operate the various branches of the Getty Holding Company,


a «fae Jot oi tants and teases, He has been agsociated with the Getty interests since 1914 and is

of both the Mission Corporation and the Pacific Western- rporation,

as the[__ of Production and is the of the Pacific Western 011 Corporation,

| is a member of the New York RBar,

phe of the company!s affairs at Log Ang re at bway Terminal, los Angeles, Cal.

The credit file of the Tidewater Associated G1] Company with ; the Chemical Bank and Trust Company contains a section devoted to JEAN PAUL GETTY and the information contained therein is as follows:

Memorandum dated 3/3/35 re pau berry » Getty 0:1 Company, los Angeles, Califormia, reads =



O09 GONFIBENTIAE "He 1s about thirty sax years of age, married and has been known 1n Ios Angeles for more than ten years.

- He travels extensively and 1s in Los Angeles only at intervals and remains but a short time when he comes here. We learned that he has spent considerable time in Europe during the past few years, particularly in Germany, He isnow in the U S. and 1s believed to be in New York Caty, His wife makes her home in Ios Angeles practically all of the tame, apparently not caring to travel. Subject's mother also lives in Los Angeles, Mr. GETTY 1s one of the major owners of George F. Getty Inc., one of the larger independent oil producing companies in this part of the country. However, he does not devote much of his tame to business, He has the business

. in the hands of competent men who have been connected with the company for some time and he apparently trusts their judgment and allows them considerable control over the business, Getty comes to Los Angeles occasionally, attends to some executive duties in connection with the business and then returns east or abroad, He and his mother, Mrs. GEORGE F. GETTY inherited from GEORGE F. GETTY the above company or a major interest therein This interest in the business is estimated to be-well in excess of $1,000,000 and he has a substantial income from the business. He has suffered no financial difficulties and during the time known here has met all personal obligations in a satisfactory manner."

a advised that he could furnish no further informa— tion as to the present activities of GETTY,

investigation was conducted by Spedial Agent os


During the course of monitoring transactions in the Foreign Department of the Chase National Baik, New York Caty, it was noted by the Foreign Funds Squad of the New York Field Division, that a payment} of $60.16 was made to JEAN PAUL GETTY, Mineapolis, Minnesota, January 17, 1940 upon the instructions of the Reichsbank Durektorium, Berlin, | Germany, whose account was charged for this amount, It is believed \

that this payment originated from Konversionskasse Fur Deutsche \

Auslandsschneden, Berlin, Germany (Conversion Office for German Foreign \.

Debts) and that it represents an interest payment on German securities owned by this individual, It 15 believed that this JEAN PAUL GETTY is the same as subject 1m this case since 4 review of the file reflects subject was born at Mann 8s, Minnesota, and may possibly therefore have some activity there ) ,

& check of the indices of the New York Field thyision disclosed

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in File 9-0 Serials 4, 10, 11, 12’ on one PAUL GETTY of Sutton Place |

South, New York City, on December 1, 1937 through his attorney i 15 Exchange Place, Jersey City, New Jersey advised

ork Office of a letter received by GETTY and signed by

This letter was submitted to the New York Field ifice oy or investigation under the Extortion statutes but °

the text of the letter: reflected that 1t was written with the intention of getting a loan from GETTY and[__|was advised that this would not fall under the investigative jurisdiction of the Bureau.

eet upon being interviewed at his office

in the Hote rre, New York City, advised that he had no knowledge

that his employees or those that frequent the hotel have Italian

Consular connections. It 1s to be noted that at the tame this

an was made the Italian Consulate at New York Caty was closed, advised that at the time of the inquiry he had no knowledge

of any Italians residing at the hotel at that tame, He stated that

it 1s definitely not a gathering place for leading Italians in New

York City. He stated that several months ago he had a

employed at the_hotel by the name of Oo was believed

to be of noble birth. He stated that he had no knowledge

of any Nazi activities on the part of[ _]but that[___ fed been

discharged from the hotel and was no longer connected with him,

of the New York Office “f 2 disclose that one resided at and ‘that he was at the Hotel Pierre, New York Cat: It was at

at Cyril's

of London, New York Caty, and at the Rainbow Room, Rockefeller Center,


New York City under It was indicated that 2s ‘believed birth, having been born in and that is alleged to be a former society

girl, although in February 1941 she was employed by 2 F. Macy, New York Caty, at $40.00 a week, -

It 1s noted that the Hotel Pierre, which is locatedon 6lst Street near Fifth Avenue, New York Caty, is known to be an exclusive first-class hotel which caters primarily to a rather prominent and wealthy class of persons of foreign origin. Its cliente definitely international in character. For this reason, advised that 1t 18 not unusual for leading continental personages to stop at the Hotel Pierre, , y

Investagation has failed to disclose information to substantiate allegations that, the employees and those who frequent the hotel have Italian Consular connections.


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290 Broadway, New York City. (|

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: ie SLIP (S\JAFC/OYR pate_/ \O= AS

¥ FILE NO 65-2170





o JEAN PAUL GETTY, alias J. Paul” Getty.


Al SYNOPSIS OF FACTS Pile reviewed and brought up to date. Hecords of case in which subject has been defenaant checked at Los Angeles County Clerk's Uffice Subject defendant 1n divorce cases and also cases wnere the plaintiff had a business grudge bubject's former secretary uabile

LE OS against him 7 to indicate any definite subversive activity OT NENCY OSI DIST OFF 6 x

b Z ¥

4, St ' ide 9 part of subject my eg ye moe B 3 BY REFERENCE Report of Special Agent V I PARRY, Los Angeles, dated December 18, 19 Report of Special Agent: Los Angeles, at

dated April 30, 1941.

3’ = DETAILS AT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA oe # fej A review of instant file indicates that the subject % Cc p> a United States citizen born at lanneapolis, Linnesota on Decenber = 15, 1892. ft also reflects that the subject 1s a wealthy individua -~

being at the pea of several large o1l companies in the west and g_to Germany where he has associatea socially¥

* and on numerous occasions during his var- ,LOUS periods of living in Senay met and assocrated a numoer of times with HITLER It also reflects that he has . common-Law wife j and two children presently residing in Germany No definite anfor- i matlon has been forthcoming from any source indicating that?

the sub- _j ject has actually been involved in any subversive activity a although Ye memorandum from C N D.I. 10-2 dated May 21, aa eis forth that “)







Bureau New Yor Los Ang


“ye TAGES 9

by br




thdfsub ject has been associated with af_——sdiana the late Senator wC ADOO 1n an o11 deal involving delivery of wexican o1l to Germany via Vladivostok. It also sets forth that the subject 1s out-spoken in support of Germany and Nazi idealog

he also bggsts of his close association with

and HITLER@ A custodial detention,on the subject was submitted to the Bureau October 15, 1941.' -

At the Los Angeles County Clerk's Uffice, Hall of Records euitding,[ Deputy County Clerk, searched their , records on cases in ch the subject has heen a defendant’ from 22: and including the present. The list as propounded by 1s being set forth and it should be noted that the purpose at might serve is obtaining names of individuals who might have some knowledge concerning the business dealing which the subject, might have with any foreign source. It should be noted that these records can be located in the City Hall basement.

1922 104335 : . : 1923 . 125055 1924 138548 L924 141292 1925 160191 an 160934 " 165033 " D-3991L2 1926 D-44699 ft u 207454 it 211010 " 213389 : son 214255 h i" 214256 " 214397 " 214398 " 214399 " 214441 4 214442 . 927 214835 4 214836 fe 214838 a ° 214837 u 229079 " 233 416 " , 239489 " 24,6063 1929 —-291005 1933 351766 1935 393244 1935 396502

» 9 SY


| en

Two cases were reviewed by the writer and it was found that case #393244,|] s_ivs. G2TTY, et al was 2 suit sgainst GEITY and “for services rendered

an obtaining her divorce. It was determined fron

this tile that the home at 270 Ocean Front, Santa Monica, was deeded to aS esult of this divorce an ula ater deter- mained that tins Thais case also reflected that the subject was in Europe on September 17, 1935. it was also set forth in this cese that the subject omed the fol- lowing companies GETTY, ING , GEORGE F GEPTY, INC, THU » INNEHOMA O1l Company, The sJORGE F G@ifTY Gal Company and the Santa Fe Invest- ment Company.

File #396502,[____|vs. THE PACIFIC WESTERN OIL CORP , 1s


a suit for illegal diversion of fuids of the defendant oil cord ra-

tion by the subject, reflected that [vss toe plaintiff and that was the plaintiff's attorney The file reflected that this suit was main-

tained as a result of a grudge the plaintiff had against the defendant.


roo LON





nére quite often. are divorced, and further stated that comes to the house there to see ~ once a month and on some occasions he visits[___] t his place of business dovmtown. He was unable to furnish ar further pértinent information but did state that apparently seem to be quite friendly with each others


advised that She is the Tormer[ __—S—SsS~S—s—‘“~;~*d NM Wa employed as

Western O11 Company , which 1g _a company con- .

y g

der in the Paciric the GRORGE G. GETTY Company and that she _ She further advised that} |e

no le n _trolled by

ne STATeN Viet one cour OITer NG INTOrMation aS to Wietner or not the subject was involved,

in any subversive activity, stating 1t was beyond her to believe thet the subject, was even under SUSPICLON.

oe me

Bose 3 9 @ w Hc


She indicated that the subject had been involved in many divorce proceedings but at present is married

[___ Jans socially prominent person from who at present sn aif She further SHULGated that the sub- ject 1s difficult towork Tor as he loses his temper quickly and

frequently. She has heard that the subject has beén an Mexico for the past year but she does not know whether‘'1t is business or pleas~ ure She further indicated that the subject travels to Germany

once or twice a year but she has no idea who_he contacts there no

_ Sne advised that] ss as

of the GEORG P GETTY Company but is not to be trusted for any information as he promises one thing and never has the in- tention of keeping that promise,

the name of any of his friends in Germany


} She indicated that sis about the only individual at the Getty, Inc., who coula be trusted and advised that

this man is whe further ad~- vised that a MR LANG was,the last time sne remembered, employed in the o11 fields of one’ of the corporations GETTY companies but she does not know whether he 1s stall in the capacity or not She further advised that she does not believe that any of the suoject's former wives could be trusted to give any pertinent information which might be of interest to the F B I. sance they apparently are still ~- in_ love with the subject, even thouga they are divorced.

Stated that she does not remember anything of value as far a investigation 1s concerned because she has not been wath the company tort years and there was never any indication at that time as to any subversive activity on the part of any of the emplo ees, including MR GETTY himself. She nas agreed to cooperate and

[i urther stated that the subject is Tocated at present in Los Angeles and has recently opened a private office

in the Don Lee Cadillac Agency Building at Wilshire and Kingsley, | ~

but she does not know what type of business is carried on in this office. " -

The criminal recoras at the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office were checked with negative results. : Ps k



* @ + @ oe y




mn THE LOS ANGELES OFFICE ~ 8 wet ee me At Los Angeles, California, wall contact

for complete information which he ment have concerning the activity of the subject.

Wall contact attorney

[ for any information which he might have concerning the subject. |


Wall contact attorney[__ sd, 453 South Sprang

Street, for any information_which he might heve concerning the re- 4 t

- Will conduct a discreet investigation in the hope of obtaining information concerning the office which the subject has recently opened an the Don Leé Cadzllac Agency :


Will conduct a discreet investigation concernin ne back=

round | a af 1t proves reliable contac en obtain complete information concerning the subject.

‘tact with the New York office on December 30, 1940

oF oY



® 6

Federal Bureau of Lrnvestigatian United States Department of Justice

Los Angeles, Calafornia December 16, 1941

x / Director, Federal Bureau of Investagataon, Washington, D C. oO me RE J&AN PAUL GETTY ESPIONAGE - G Dear Sir - Reference 1s made to letter from the New York Field Office ~ 7 dated December 30, 1940, in the above-entitled matter ( On November 6, 1941, Special Agent H’ FRANK ANGELL of thi ° office had occasion to interview[ or the Mira~ ~7' mar in Santa Monica, Califorma t that time 1t was learned

from, that he haa been employed by the Hotel Pierre, New ork City, ini and 1936 [___ ]volunteered the informataon that withurefeT-

ence to that hotel undoubtedly who was was a good American aad co be contacted by the Bureau w=

Cer stated that mentioned in the reference letter as the was someone whoss Americanism he greatl doubted Informant also stated that

[ot the Pierre Hotel, and his brother who is employed at the

Cher Netherlands Hotel 1n New York City, had snocked the Jews and made remarks which caused him to doubt their Americanism also observed that the Pierre seemed to be continuously full of refugees.

The above information 1s being furnished in connection with the activities of GETTY, who y it is understood, owns the Hotel Pierre, |

and to give credence to the good intentions of oo __ of the Hotel Pierre,”

by his con-—


a8 ey _cencea

Very truly yours, . ? 4 JA. 3 6 IS - QR NSS an a . R B HOOD "h S

Special Ager: PAU JF INVESTIGATION 10 DEC 19 1941


CC New York

ay HA G Ss AY See




DATE 4-¢-Sv_BY SP/ son Lf Lo << ee

t enon



647 Seuth Kingsley Drive (Residence)

417 Seuth Hill Street (Business)

Les Angeles, Califernial!7-/(-+/

Occupation: Oil Preducer Getty is a United States citizen whe was bern at Minneapolis, Minneseta

en December 15, 1892, (Washington Field Divisien, Confidantial Infermant S-2. 12/30/40 100-1202-2)

SNe SRM Cee Meteo ell OP numerous eccasiens during his varieus perieds ef living in Germany mest and associated a number of times with Hitler. Has cemmen-law wife and two children presently residing in Germany. (Confidential Natienal Defense vase =| le yee] eee uss bleep) ir

Lae. eee GANESH

} = ¥ wy & ee wee ye) ot wk, : (ONE a figs ogee gee


q ees ee 6 AND EY 4. “TICES i > 3 | A . .

Re: JR

Taforsation has been vecotved fren the koe Aageles Office ef this Dureseu that captioned subject is an of] man and the owner of * the Hotel Pierre, Nov York City, which ie reputed to be the stopping Place fer neay Germans vhkile in New York City.

Beis Gabjest is aai& te de cutspoken in support ef Gernaay and te’ 0 *< , Need ideology, and Aighly appreves of the offeativeness ef the ¥ari Rs ee pga. He hes been in Germany 4 each year, suf he is if iE ehecely ascvctated with Mitie:, in addition

iby’ :” .* {8 wee reported that be hae a common-law wile aad childven in Germany |

The Lee Angeles Office reperted thet endject attempted to 60,000 barrela of 011 te dermeay before the Soutrality Act te- cam effective. jest has in hie ompleguwnt former senbers ef the Iatelldgenes units. He wes siosely sesceinted an alleged German espionage agent now ta Kexice,

| _, Sad be apont last year in Mexice + he was olowely aseeciated with , he Meaican Governmeent officials. i)


isise it has been reported that subject will advaned money for j Mhe Basi caves if his anne is net mentioned, and that his wealth 1s Gatinated W de letveen $80,000 to $50,000.



et ay In view of the above iaforuation it is resgectfully requsst- , zg that you advise whether thie subject Wheuld be taken tate custody j 4 4 this tine. ae

“; COPIES DESTROYED aerate ¥ery wely peer O 1 RO of ad cece SUN 26 1973 pie abate eta al iat

) ts lard < KS ; om ar & tte Boe oF. Si BOdy Xe i ice eine 3 : d a

ERiBT January 9, 1942


Special Agent in Charge Los Angeles, California


Dear Sir

There 1s enclosed herewith a photostatic copy of a custodial detention card relating to

JEAN PAUL GETTY, WA 647 South Kingsley Drive Los Angeles, California APPROPRIATE AGENCIES

for appropriate and expeditious attention BHIP (s) GFN accordance with existing Bureau rnstructioné! S| 9S

Very truly yours, TELA

DECLASSIFIED BY 1 gpilfe . &. abe On -

John Edgar Hoover Director



268 * JAN 9 1942

PoM FEDERAL Buren U OF inves S DEPARTMENT oF iusHee ON |


“~ ~ ~ - DATE 07-16-2007 EP AUC bOSL4/EAU/Rs /lbe f ‘9 i PA mpm eeDDRESS REPLY TO i r Clare ee ~ BEVIALS AND uneGER : ‘ie Glave DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE bata 4 WB JBH Ms WASHINGTON, pc he Nehols u Me Teaey January 13, 1942 Jur Posen ofa. Carson Mer Coffe, Vv i fr fhendt n ft L , i nillonras

Quis Tamm

fie Nease

aa <n


iss Gandy ; Cues


Re» Hotel Pierre (Bus ) New york city

o vod OP


of the Special Defense Unit, c has forwarded a file containing an abstract of information con- cerning the above entitled subject who appears to be a citizen of the United States b6 bb?

ere hee been advised that, based on the informa- iC tion the f.le, there is not sufficient evidence

upon which to institute a criminal prosecution against the

subject at this time

It is requested that a complete investigation be con- ducted with reference to the subject and that all informetion contained in the Bureau dossier be verified It is suggested that the subject be interviewed, if you deem it edvisable under all tne circumstances, and an effort be made to secure his consent

to search his business and home premises

It is requested that the reports covering thie investi- gation be made available to the Criminal Division




y) Assistant Attorney General



AOS ure aivick) uF


CORD 100812026 7 4 danuary 30, 1942 BES GiAveto - .


Special Agent in Charge New York, New York


Déar Sirs

I am onolosing herewith photostatio copies of a memorandum dated January 15, 1942, which was received from Mr. Wendell Berge, Assistant Attorney General, United States Department of Justice, Washington, D. C.

You are instructed to conduct the requested in- vestigation and this matter should be given proferred and expeditious attention by your office.

The files of your office should be thoroughly reviewed and all information with reference to the above captioned individual should be ineluded in your report covering the investigation requested in the enclosed meno- randua,

Very truly yours, ALL INFORMATIOS! CO


t cD John Edger Hoover

Mr ww ATE ¢-¥ & BY. AI. Director me © AT seme ~ met ae Enclosures ep Cle a Mr Ladd @ # hi My Pea dANCATIONS SECTION MM Reson { ; k ws i 4 eee M O son M A a eRe é ss MEL ie sm JAN BO 1942 se PO Coun eH yo ui i am an @ Metiomen ; i p M -Egod ' st po ae bH vis moa wt mm | PeDeRAL wuncaU oF INVESTI“ASIOY . A pg peS obraaT LSP ew « Hes ee

Misa Sandy ey CP 4 re



Ede, oP? ia liJh COM TAINED



( i 5 2’ AL A ie ime il Ld A i) LD -_ “PY i = a 2



Federal Burean of Investigation

United States Department of Justice

EFE/NTP 65-6629


Federal Bureau of Investagation

Washington, D.

Dear Sir:

New York, New York

March 5, 1942



Reference is made to your letter of January 30, 1942,

Bureau File 100-1202 mth which you enclose a memorandum which was received from Mr WENDELL BERGE, Assistant Attorney General,

United States Department of Justice, Washington, D, C

It 18 noted in your communication that you request

that the files of this office be thoroughly reviewed and all information with reference to the above captioned individual be included in the report covering the investigation requested

in this memorandum,

In this respect, a review of the New York City files

reflects that considerable investigation has already been conducted in this matter and appropriate investigative reports submitted.

It will also be noted that the Los Angeles Division

is office of origin in this matter by reason of the fact that subject GETTY maintains his principal headquarters in that tow,

it is therefore requested that the Los Angeles Office

furnish this Division with any additional information which they mght have available, so same mght be of assistance to this Division

at the time

subject GETTY is thoroughly interviewed in accordance

DATE <u-@ BY V SCL gael fe

her, 2


Y. i y q 4 7 °° © o 9g OMA s ERK a2 oe 300-2202-. Ln Be ° MEMORANDOW FOR ASSISTANT ATTORNEY OEWERAL eee ee BERGE RE: JEAN PAUL ORTTY Hotel Pierre New York City Reference is made to your memorandum dated January 13, 1942, your reference WB: JBHiMS ~ 146-7=724, wherein you requested additional investigation as to the above individual. I am enclosing herewith copies of the following reports in the case entitled, "Jean Paul Getty, alias J. Paul Getty, Tepionage (3)*, which contain additional informations Report of Special Agent V. I. Parry, dated November 12, 1940, at Los Angeles, Cali fornia; Report of Special Agent V. I. Parry, dated December 18, 1940, at Los Angeles, California; Report of Special Agent Louis Losbl, dated January 4, 1941, at Washington, D. C.3 Report of Special Agent Kenneth C. West, dated January 27, 1941, at New Haven, Connesticuty Report of Special agent [| eo leee dated April 3, 1941, at. Orieans, Louisiana;

FORA Tamm. BS Mr Cle\q Report of Special Agent] sd dated DT Mr Glavins April 30, 1941, at Los Angeles, qtiifornia;

Mr Ladd * sont termine

Mr Nichols ~ dated : Mr. Resen . jy) Mr Tracy

Mr e Jr.

Mr eles, California.

Mr .


Mr, MeGuire

My “Quinn Tai



Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr

| » @

a 3 Memorandum for Agsistant Attorney General Wendell Berge It is requested that you advise this Bureau if you desire additional investigation to be conducted in this matter. Very truly youra, John Edgar Hoover Director Enclosures Toleson BA Tamm . Clegg . . Glavin Ladd__. Nichols Resen Tracy Carson Coffey Hendon Holloman McGuite Quinn Tamm Nease

Migs Gandy

sR AIC RE aon gga se em eet arhinmmrecacens = DECLASSIFIED BY AUC 60324/B/

a3 ae ON = 16-2007 ~, es7 k By cd Moreh any 1942 | eraehl z fo As near, ee ert of te an ae CRAFT COMPARY 45793 | 1. SUBJECT is « leading eillicwire Intie- pendent Oil Operater, who tegetber with @n aas00- Sate of the group 5.8. Sen ator WW. G, BedPO0, were in @ deal in deramry 1941, for the delivery of one million berrels of Nexican fuel ofl to Gernmary via Viadiwetek.

ee as ee eee it Ig bop .*

liewed he cperates tu the Gulf of Memleo ooemect ton >

comtasting subsarines and supplxing then with fuel offs


= axis personalities are seid te acormpimy hin on these, . a _ ‘THD and OND are tm ‘ting these « SUBIKCT ght his - io persaml] contacts are te the high officials in §he Qux- ne ican Government, and he divides his tine between te Wer York City. s 2. = = : ie jr 3. In 1999 GETTY purchaeed Hotel Pierre in NYC, and be digmtased all old and put, in oot: The hotel is ir Bad no ous betel experiaamey tie) + The hotel is rewbgdtised aa a = = : | in aly 1942, cool tae 3 : fon Het aetivities at this Hetel. : st a ouite at this hotel in July , fe ejained to be a British tania - iS : is repert- ss i i i 4 7 : i | - 1 ie wy 8 ya. dORDED

Lt i hf #

~~ MORAN For Files Barch 22, 1942 Subject: GETTY, Jean Pend. :

N 4 40794 CORRE aT | SUBINCT bonsts of close association with[ | ¥

a ae; beving innumerable contacts with bigh o in Reateos was arvented om March 9, i%i2, but released by the Mexican Palice 9 days later.



. Y . [oe Rosen ;. oy 7 Me Carson. 7 (3 1407-724 ee p Me. Coffey:

| Mr, Hendon . * Br, Hollomen

Mar: Quins Tame.

Mr. Nease:,

ce ee one Sd OF [BIVEST GATTO fy

£ & sh Mica Candy


Se Reference is. e made: to your ‘memorandum ‘dated April coe fs ee wish which: yOu: enclosed” copies of. various investigative 7

rs true. ‘the: ‘subject is: ‘a re extremely. jangérous to the - safety of this countrys . It 48 therefore | ‘believed desirable - eo to extend this. investigation until” every Possibility has ‘been! ~ aaiiauateds Be me A Ct RR


oa os ~

to Los



- a In the ‘eport- of * Sueciel ‘Agent Edward ‘Ae Furbush, Jr’ * dated at Los: Angeles: November 24, 1941, it is alleged t

~~ subject in his frequent trips: ‘to Germany: associated with

‘and on numerous. ‘occasions. met. and. associated with:

_. Adolph” Hitler. ‘I would appreciate ait. if. ‘you would advise:

_ whether or. not. there are witnesses available to ‘testify to - “these - ‘ellegations.-rIf-there ‘are. no. witnesses. presently. erate tk os _ able, is it possible, by checking with the sources of your: Se _ "information, ‘to. determine: whether appropriate witnesses, can - be developed? “Le var tarts Se

: In the ‘same ‘report, ‘there is ‘a peferende-. to. & memo~: .: rendum fron. "CaNeDoTs 1022" dated May 21,°1941. It would be _ ~ appreciated. if you would advise me what ‘these: initials stand ©

for and what is the source of the’ information ‘contained. in that memorendume: Please advise whether or not these allegations can be. substantiated: ty available witness@ge: <-”



@ ® > iy _ 2 -™

It is noted that the subject is alleged to have a common-law wife and two children presently residing in Germanys It is noted elsewhere in this report that the subject's former wives are not likely sources of information because of their continuing affection for the subject, Consideration should be given to the possibility that kmowledge of the existance of this common-law family in Germany might tend to alienate from the subject the sympathies of his former wives. It is noted that his present wife is believed to be in Italy. It should be determined whether or not she has returned to the United States and if she has the information about the common-law family might have a similar effect on her. It should also be borne in mind when interviewing the former wives, as well as the present wife,of the subject that possibly fear on their part of becoming involved in the subject's affairs might prove sufficient incentive for them to give reliable information.

ge 4 of the same report, 1t is indicated that hs about the only one at_the Getty, Ince who cou e trusted. It is desired that[ sd be thoroughly

interviewed with reference to his kmowledge of the subject's activities and connections.s

In the report of Special Agent[ sd dated

at New York City November 13, 1941 ere is set out certain information received from of the William All I would appreciate it if you would advise whether or not[SSS~=édi A's in a position to testify to these allegations in court. If not, the source from whish[ ~~] obtained his information should be ascertained and an effort be made to locate witnesses competent to testafy thereto.

f é

On page 2 of this report, there is a reference to a ~ copyrighted article appearing in the New York Daily News entitled “Agents of Five Nations at Grips in Hotel Here", dated December 20, 1940, It is desired that a thorough interview be had with Guy Richards, author of this article, Kindly obtain-any and all proof which Richards may have to sustain the allegations in his article, The sources from which he obtained his information should be thoroughly checked to determine what foundation, if any, he hada Particular emphasis should be placed on determining the source of his statement to the effect that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was sure that a definite understanding was reached on the Getty[S~*~*~*~*éiéP Ais -etto,

o &

@ @ ao


go 3 of this report it is stated that one[ _—| of the Hotel Pierre, resigned 6 fall os y g désires at efforts be made to locate

this individual and to determine his present activities and his eiti 8s if from this preliminary inquiry it appears thath tie reliable, he should be interviewed for any and all data which he may have bearing on the subject.

Oo ©}

On the same page it is set out that Attorney, 19 Rector Street, New York City, gave information relative to a protest lodged by him with the New York Daily News relative to the newspaper story mentioned above. Please ascertain whether or not the New York Daily News published the retraction of the article demanded Kindly ascertain all the details of this effair, including ultimate disposition of the complaint.

t you locate and interview former of George Fe Getty, Inc,., relative to their knowledge of the activities, interests and connections of the subject, It is noted on page 8 of this report that "they withdrew recently"./ The reasons for the severence of their connections with George tyy Ine. should be set oute

On page 12 of this report i? of the Hotel Pierre, is quoted as stating that £ position

ormer at the Hotel, was discharged from that

by It is suggeeted that it be determined why was discharged and thereafter a complete interview be had with relative to his own background and to his knowledge of the subject's activities,

Upon the completion of the investagation suggested in the foregoing paragraphs, consideration should be given to the desirability of interviewing the subject himselfe This would seem particularly advisable if the investigation results negatively. The subject should be acquainted with the more sensational allegations which have been made against him and he should be permitted to offer any defense or refutation he desirese He should be questioned in detail about all his international trensactions, both business and social, He should be required to explain the circumstances surrounding his receipt of $60.16 from Germany on January 17, 1940.

In view of the importance of this case, it is believed desirable to obtain signed statements from all persons interviewed, It is requested that expeditious handling be afforded this cases


WENDELL BERGE, Assistant Attorney Generale

ae Forma Nt US Oe “THis c case ORIGINATED AT:


10s. ANGELES, 2

- New Yo iY he Les ei lv Hyd AY

% r


Ks E cr a ao ct 5 ct a ® B. 5 fr ct 4 ° Fy ay

vised that area, and tha $s seen GETTY 1n company with hd #0 On ai

at the openin 1941. ° With ref-

a everly

about tow i.ddle eference to advised that she is a

who has performed on stage and has been inthis area or some time. She describ as being in her early [i at the Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica, bIC

California, advised that laved in this hotel with

her mother, and that she checked 1n on December Cc 1940, and was at the

present time paying $85 per month for her rooms stated further that registered in the Miramar from the Gotham Hotel 1n New_York City,

ut he understands that she also stayed at the Coronado Hotel. further and that she had

advised that

© b married to No further‘information pertinent to the Subject of this case was

On Novenber 7, 1941, [J advised nat, carey MN Pe legally marriéd to a woman who 1s living in Germany, and that they have 7 chaidren in Germany. in~


formation from who is a and With GETTY, having been loyed by GETTY » further, that formerly a

ormed that about

a year ago GETTY was tr. to get boats to ship oil to Ge and that he could get one boat. ) | belaeved that | | could be the Subject, and that any contact with

openly interviewed with reference him would be kept confidential. Informan tated, further, that Subject still visite] one of his former wives. .

circles in Hollywood and ence told her that she had seen a check of GEEMS written for one million dollars in payment for some

rags SBE. had 3 purchased in Europe _and_on buying these, he had sought a meeting b who was ostracized by _HETLER and who



she believed GETTY mentioned that she has who is a well-known social

was living in was worth one hundred milaon dollars, taken GETTY to the home o

woman who has traveled throughout the world. stated that

1s entirely American, and contact could be made wi DIC at Umiversal Studios. con dg that as she and the Sub-

ject_started to home, GETTY asked af S a Nazi,

ana[_} without realiz2 t what m.ght be, stated that she was not, that .f she was, she | mould not be seen in her home, and from then on GETTY pretended no speak German, but once without thanking

he broke anto German, and she ascertained that he speaks 1t very proficiently.

According to of _] GETTY 1s very intelligent and secretive,bé and she doubted that any ormation could be obtained from nm éxcept from 57 some woman who attracted him. [____] further stated that on one evening GETTY spent hours telling her that he was not a Nazi, and at another time

went to considerable length to convince eee chat he was WOE OF -THS-WSGL Teles ‘Another incident concerning the Subject was related by| and [_] advasea that [t~CSC=CidiR LD her that roximately ee or four years ago GETTY was in New York | and purchased a yacht which was the third largest one in the world, and that this was followi-~

plans to go to Burope, but after having 1t for three weeks GETTY sold it and... sent the yacht to Germany and boasted that he made $75,000 profit. oS further stated that she learned the Subject was very friendly mth

further mentioned that GETTY told her

no particular friends,


e really ws no one on the west coz yet she ascertazned that he does know

7, viously mentioned states that he believes

e De

[__-|2° a Fasciste also stated that GETTY has a beach home ”/” in Santa Monica where he keeps no servants but where he frequently goes. » a ¥ Through attention was invited to the fact that Subject, eis

suspected of selling Mexican o1] to Germ 18 owner of the Pierre Hotel,

New fork Caty, and that

and his party, are reportedly pro-~Axi.s, are residing a e hotel. {u) - -

of the Taylor Drilling and Producang Company, LS inclined to be slightly pro-Nazi. -He turther advised that he Nas taken out his first citizensmp papers about April, 1939, and has stated that he 67D

doesn't know whether he wants to get the second ones or not. mentioned that the father of 16 1n a concentration camp at the present tame. It should be noted tha 1s a forse pt the Subject. It /was learned from that a confidential informant has stated that -

GETTY owns a hotel in New York City that as a hotbed of intrigue. This infor~ mant also mentioned that | has a suite in this hotel, and that the chief engineer of the GETTY organization 18 an ex-German submarine captain. It was further stated that there 1s one file of papers in GETTY'S office which, if

photostatted, would give much interesting information. It mght be possible + obtain this file, if 1t is wanted, and it was added that these documents =e

wn Joe “CONTIDENT =:


‘he learned that |

@ * 1 yi “he

show his real character. It should be noted that thas information is

Gated March 5, 1941. However, a review of the file indicate at no attempt has been made to ascertain what papers are meant, ( ;

As has been previously ne tronecyf a eensereal fmt yo Lite bel th the Subject and thoro reliable, °° | telephone ClItrus 2-1014, advised that ~~

AS HAS Deen ASSOCLAtea vi e ect for 7 years and that up untal 1936

he was employed_ by ham as aj san various business dealings in the o11 business. andicated that he became| se ™SC™C™~—“Cséid I th tht’

Subject, because the Subject was Ld before entering his employ. [ ss [described the Subject” as having no friends and never in a position t6 trust anyone, and because of

& large sum of money_estimated at between forty and fifty milion dollars, [__ stated that d

as discussed various business deals with him at great length. Since

has left his employ, he has met the Subject quate frequently when he is in

Los Angeles and : [___|asrees cooperate and stated that he would obtain Ormation”°©

On the Subject, and that if he himself was unable to obtain it, he would °/© learn with whom GETTY was associated and thus obtain it in an indirect manner. continued that before the Neutrality Act went into effect, the Subject told him personally that he had agreed to sell 50,000 barrels of o11 to Germany, and thet the o11 was to be shipped to Vladivostok, Russia, and’ then transferred into Germany, but that the deal fell through when Germany was placed on the black list. mentioned further that the Subject is associated with men of prominence oughout the world because of the vast sum of money he has, but firmly believes that the Subject would not be in- volved in anything subversive because he would never endanger his position as a playboy with so much freedom and money at his disposal. In various discussions along politacal lines[_____]stated that the Subject firmly be believes in the efficiency of the German officials and has stated on more pic than one occasion that they have an effective system of government and has remarked that he is personally acquainted with that system for he has, seen it in operation and believes that 1% would do this country a lot of good if they were to be governed under the same efficiency, bth continued that he believes GETTY would never become instrumental in effecting any such system. further stated that he believes the G. F. GETTY Company, which is owned by the Subject, was under investigation by the Internal Revenue De~ partment for violation of the income tax law, and that 1t 1s ns impression that the Internal Revenue agents mght be eble divulge information per~ taiming to financial actavities of this farm. __._ Later advised that _


|____fand at present is located in Heidelberg, could be contacted, and

any information which she mght have, she would divulge. He also stated that could also be trusted, as he recently learned through a friend of the company's that both o (hated

GETT uin him at the first cpportanaty. [flare stated that and Captain LANGE had ‘both been reated by the Subject, =~




and that he believed that if they had any informataon pertanent to a violation

of the Espiona extent. one of the

we Act on the part of Subject, they would cooperate to the fullest ——imgntioned that the Subject had recently opened a new office in || bulidings, and that in a discussion with the Subject some

@ | gr a 4

. : ye

*y r rr ty to OF


* “ok

time in the fall of 1941 a casual mentaon was made of this office by the Subject. believes that this mght be worth checking anto, since it 1s possible the files in this office could contain foreign correspondence.

| | special agent of the Intelligence.Unit in the Board of Intern evenue, searched his entire files and produced a file showing that investigation was conducted by his department in 1934 regarding the ancome tax of the G. F. CETTY Company, ee nontaoned that there was an alleged evasion of the income tax as a result of a transfer _ rau Gears GETTY Company to the estate of the G, F. GETTY Company and@J. PAUL ‘GETTY. Investigation disclosed that no prosecution or fine resulte 3 n- the death of GEORGE F. GETTY the estate was divided’ and part inherited by

J. PAUL GETTY and the remarnder left 1n control of J. PAUL GETTY'S mother.


In another division of the Internal Revenue oe ° internal Revenue searched the files with negative results. ugh the efforts of Santa Monica who has been requested by GETTY to dispose of his beach home in Santa Monica, the

contents of the summer home_referre this report were noted. Special

Ag IGELL and accompanied the reporting agent and conversed wi This property 1s located’ at 270 Pre Was noted

that this 1s an eight-room house located on the beach front and has been

used by GETTY for several parties, and that the property was purchased and the house buzlt for This search disclosed

nothing of value.

previously mentioned in this report, later advised

that he had learned that the Subject was interested in some property in, Acapulco, Mexico, and that he had been in Mexico the winter of 1940 and 1941 for the purpose of contacting the government officials in persuading them to put a highway through Acapulco. 1t is alleged a large sums of money were expended for this purpose, but the res ve been negative.

also believes that the Subject has become interestéd in the oil situation in Mexico and is probably engrossed in the idea of establishing a company in Mexico, [~~ stated that this information was obtained

, from GETTY himself,

‘In a further discussion wi thL dat 1s his opamion that the

one individual connected with the GETTY Corporation who might be ‘engaged who 18 employed as an| | further stated that ne obtaine

in subversive activity is by the GEORGE F, GETTY Company.

this information from various employees in an officzal capacity at other . o1l companies.

Through the cooperation odSource of Information At was.ascer-(W AM) tained that the Subject had recently opened an office in Demelly Building at 3576 Vo . Los Angeles.ySource of Information A statedythat e

e rd of the buildink that the[ sof this office a | WHO Was believed to be a good American and would not become involved

‘In “any Subversive activity regardless of any offers made.


@ i be ia wg mm oe oO oy oO

years of age and a

that at that time she was told by GETTY that he was 29 years of age, and that he had never been married before, but 1t was ascertained at a later

date that CETTY had been married twice .

She stated that at that tame he was ears of age. She further advised ~*

which paid him about #20000 to $25,000 American dollars annually, Lthy individual an She mentioned

Lt tC(“‘éiAVsed that the Subject speaks German fluently, but that he no longer wishes to carry on ay conversations in German, since Germany ~ hes become an enemy of ours. She further advised that on one occasion in 1939 and 1940 GETTY bragged about informing the German army of a way to break through the Maginot ane, stating that he told them to periscope under the Maginot Line, inserting a sufficient charge of dynamte to blow the whole line, but whether or not they followed this advice is another subject. She .further advised that GETTY has a tremendous amount of money and estimates has wealth to be in the vicinity of fifty million dollars and is vitally in- terested in all sections of the world, having in mnd that he mght establish a business any place where he is able. to make a dollar. She stated that in

~b- paaeereerettte



® t © ep ots ooh


an attempt to increase ms wealth, he spent several months in Mexico, where he contacted the officials of the Mexican government in an attempt to persuade them to make a resort in Acapulco, and his idea was to buald a hotel. She mentioned that the last time the Subject was in Germany was during 1939, and that prior to that he used to visit Germany at least once a year. She further mentioned that GETTY loves to boast about the important people he knows, but she has never heard him mention that he is acquainted with any of the officials of the German Reich. It should be mentioned that[______]was interviewed by Special Age FRANK ANGELL and the reportang agent, and that it was some time before was persuaded to discuss the facts set forth in this report, for she believed that any discussion upon which she might ‘enter _re~ garding the situation in Germany would get to the German officials and

She stated that at no time has

anyone with a request to obtain

p ormation pertaihing to our National Defense, and if this re- uest was made, she

telephone ARdmore 39764, when interviewed by Special Agent H. FRANK ANGELL and the reporting agent, advised that

she further advised at af it Were possibie to Sotain intormacion regarding a violation of any law on the part of the Subject, she would fully cooperate and even go out of her way to aid the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She further advised that she was in Berlin with the Subject in and that during that time she was with the Subject constantly and at no time did he contact any government official but merely interested himself in objects of art, antiques, and such bric-a-brac, She stated that when HITLER came to power, he was interested but merely because of the efficiency with which HITLER and other German of~ ficids conducted their efficient system of government and stated on more than one occasion that this country would be much better off if it were run as efficiently as the German goverrment. She further stated that this is a reflection of GETTY'S mind, since he 1s interested um anything orderly, effec- tive, and efficient and is amable towards the way those in power crush the weak.

At various times when the Subject was under da seussion stated that 1t was GETTY'S opimion that HITLER was unterested only in making Germany a world power, but the Subject has been discussed at various times Since HITLER has invaded Russia, and GETTY has stated that he believes HITLER 1s trying to make Germany’ the only supreme power in Europe, which he believes is wrong. She further stated that she knows GETTY was 1m Mexco but she cid

: 1e reason for his visit there but would find out,at a later date eee asses that she had contacted the Subject, and he had visited her on Uecembeér 19, 1941, and spent six hours with her discusaing various topics in which he has had an interest for the past five to six years. She stated that GETTY admtted knowing several German officials but none of major im

portance, and further stated that the German officials that he knows are those an business, stating that he was acquainted with them when he was datkering


with them on an o1] contracts He further stated 7 | that while he was in Germany in 1939, he was also approached by the officials - of the Russian government and was promised a percentage of all o11 drilled

uf he would come to Russia and sink o11 wells for them. He was also propo- sitioned along the same lines by the officials of the German government, and states that this is when he met the German officials, She further stated that GETTY answered negatively to all offers made, and that in the further dis- cussion of this subject wth the German officials, they promsed to turn

over to him any German paintings that he would want, but his answer was

still No. She further stafed that GETTY was in Mexi.co from November, 1940, until April, 1941, at which time he was in the process of buying property

in Acapulco, and-that he had obtained options on property there but would

not buy outright unless the Mexican admmstration would pave a road through Acapulco. He admitted that several offers amounting to brib were made,

but that. when he discussed the Subject with mis attorney, he | was discouraged, At this tamd Jadvased that GETTY told her that was still in ms employ, h he was dumb and could not be placed in an admnistrative position, and kept asking for favors for her brother. She further stated that GETTY spoke of the need for umty in the United States at this time, describing the sas powers as a bone of contention and that the United States had a most difficult battle on its hands but he believed that 1n the end HITLER and other dictators wuld be

made to suffer for the wrongs they have commtted. :

but now living with at advised that he is in’GETTY'S employ as a - He further advised that he came to America in 1934 and studied for two years in Washington State, studying the subject of o11 engineering, for he iuntended to return to Germany and work in the 011 fields. Hoereturned to Germany 1n 1936 but came back the following year and studied for one more year in the University of Southern Califormia and concentrated_on 011 en- gineering at GETTY'S suggestidn. It should be mentioned that [__] gave

the same information pertaining to the wrong done by the German . government feet out above in this report. stated that it - was his opinion that G us friendly with the German officials but believes

it arose as 4 result of GETTY'S trying to interest the o11 business officials in buying o11 from him. He staged that 1t has been the subject of discussion on more than one occasion that GETTY is friendly with the Reach officials, but this allegation has never been substantiated. Captain FREDERICK LANGE, 1312 South Poinsettia, Compton, California, advised that he 1s presently employed in the California Shipyards in the Regulation Department but was formerly in the employ of GETTYs« He further advised that he care to this country in 1935 and married a} = ssid ck

member of one of New York's oldest famlies, and at present years old, who was born in He stated that from 1925 until 1930 he was captain of yacht, and that in 1930 GETTY pur~ chased this yacht from and he transferred masters. This yacat was later sold by GETTY, and during the time GETTY did not have a boat LANGE stated that he worked in the Productaon Department of the GETTY 021 Company.


He further advised that in 1933 GETTY purchased another yacht, the "Warrior", and three years later, in November, 1936, GETTY sold this yacht to a French financier, Captain LANGE further stated that he took the "Warrior" to France, and that 1t was to be sold after 1t was thoroughly examined by the French financier, but at the time he arrived in France, GETTY was in Germany atten- ding the Olympic Games, and it was necessary to call him long distance before the bargaining for sale began. After the sale of this yacht, Captain LANGE stated that he went to Germany but did not see GETTY at this tame, as GETTY has returned to the Umted States. Captain LANGE mentioned that he then re~ turned to the United States and saw GETTY in his office in Califormia, Cap- tain LANGE further mentioned that GETTY visited Germany once every year, but it was merely for pleasurable purposes, although he does know that GETTY tried on several occasions to interest the German government in oi] contracts. Captain LANGE further mentioned that GETTY 1s well-imown in practically every country in the world, for he has been an extensive traveler and because of his large wealth 1s able to meet the important men in every country. Captain LANGE further stated that he does not know for sure whether GETTY had any direct contact with HITLER but does know that a rumor circulated in the Hotel Pierre in New York that GETTY had received a tie from HITLER 1n recog- nition of their acquaintance, but GETTY never mentioned this to him, nor had he ever heard CETTY mention it to anyone and has on several occasions heard GETTY deny that he has met HITLER. He further stated that he has heard GETTY speak about politics quite often but has never heard him discuss HITLER, with the exception of HITLER'S effectiveness in maintaim.ng discipline in Germany and especially in the army. 4 ,

Captain LANGE stated that when he returned from Germany 1n 1936, he was in California in GETTY'S employ for some time, and that later he went to New York as manager of the Hotel Pierre. He stated that he does not know of any important German officials who stayed at the Pierre Hotel but stated that it was a famed stopping~place for people of importance, as it was considered one of New York's finest hotels. Captain LANGE further stated that during has perzod of employment at the Hotel_Pherre, he frequently came 1n contact tel wasl | and who was GETIY'S attorney, and 1t 2 that both of these mén Deliéved GETTY to be pro-Nazi, and on one occasion, just prior to the editorial in the New York paper stating that GETTY had received favors from the German government and other pro-Nazi activity on the part of GETTY, which editorial‘is part of this fale, he saw an consultation with several New York scribes, and it 1s NLS OpuTioN tat they divulged the information whach he knows to be untrue, to the New York press. Captain LANGE stated that he was called back to Cali- fornia in 1940 and for a short time was employed as an engineer in the oil , fields for GETTY, and that GETTY called him inte his office and teld him that he was to go to the Hotel Pierre in New York as an efficiency expert. Captain LANGE continued that he arrived in New York seven or eight days subseouent to this order, and advised him that he was no longer on GETTY'S payroll. Captain LANGE f er continued that he advised that some mistake must have happened, as he had orders to appear in New York for business purposes regarding GETTY'S interests. Captain LANGE stated that he put in a long distance call to GETTY, who was then located in Califormia, and GETTY advised him that an a recent meeting of the Board of hrectors of the Hotel Plerre, it was suggested by GETTY that Captain LANGE be made an efficiency expert in the Yotel Pierre, but

that subsequent to the meeting and since LANGE had left for New York, he

had received orders from the Board of Directors that they dd not believe

it was important for LANGE to assume the position of efficiency expert, and further, that Captain LANGE'S services were no longer required in the oil fields in California, which was indicative of the fact that Captain LANGE could consider himself no longer in the employ of the Subject. The Captain stated that he then returned to California and has been working in the Cali- fornia Shipyards in the Regulation Department since.




as f





Will anterview Subject GETTY and all questions

~ pertinent to the Subject's activity should be fully

answered by him. It should be noted that the Subject anterviewed January 28, 19 an regard who was connected with the b

case, Ios angeles file[__| and at that time b

stated that he was more than anxidus to cooperate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and would at ms own expense fulfill any request made of him.

Wall check with (cxpr L. A. 10-2 |to obtain in WU) formation from Captain LANGE regarding the Subject's

recent application to become a naval officer, since it

1s believed that at that time he was thoroughly inter- viewed regarding a position.




By wd

z 2 i

we] Dow

Mr Telsen.

tl a

EAB e¢eb 1Om1202 34 , Way G, 1942

Special Agent in Charge Loe Angeles, California


~ Repienage (6)

Dear Sirs


Enclosed herewith are twe photostatic copies of @ mexorsndua dated April 8, 1942, received at the Bureau fros Assistant Attorasy General Wendell Berge of the Departsent

concerning the above captioned individual,

It is noted that in this memorandum, Mr. Barge

sets out specific lines along which he would desire additional

investigation to be sonducted in thie ease.

You ave instructed to conduct the additional in- vestigation as requested in the enclesed semorandus and to submit a report reflecting the remults of such investigation

in the near future in order that the Depsrtuent may be properly

advised in this matter.

Very truly yours,




Ur Clegg Mr Glavin

Me Ladd

Mr Nichols

Mr Rosen Mr Tracy. Mr Carson Mr Coffey Mr Hendon Mr Kramer _ Mr MeGuire

Mr Nease Wiss Gandy



4 Warne -

Mi Quien Tamm




John Edger Hoover esiaqic, OO TAINED Direator


py ff


2 3 JUN 26 1973

| % | i

Federal Burean of investigation United States Department of Justice

Los Angeles, Calafornia May 19, 1942

Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D C


Dear Sar

Reference 1s made to Bureau letter dated May 8, 1942 1n the above-entitled case, Bureau file 100-1202, requesting that additional investigation be conducted regarding instant matter in the near future

Special Agent EDWARD A FURBUSH, JR , to whom this case 1s presently assigned, 1s now engaged in investigating a sedition case which will occupy his time for the next fewveeks Subsequent to this time it 1s contemplated that a thorough investigation will be conducted 1n this matter

Very truly yours,

Grrr fooel y HR B HOOD Special Agent in Charge

HAS HAH 65—2170 ‘Ex- 18 oe oe rene Vos ALLIFOR ATO "CD TAD A = 720


Q i 7. BY Sh eee | MAY BB ieag a . —_ an ooze ee? rag / ¢ | L : 7


i Ree ae 8



May 15, 1942

In connection with the next voyage to the

AS United States of the PROPTNINGHOLN you may

desire to advise the FBI that; sd

Jean pind watey, ie one of

the acheduled passengers. You will recall that

Mr, Getty's name has been mentioned in connection

with that of concerning whom the

@ * FSI has conducted a thorough investigation. . e at a TBS a + = (fe = 8 ue age - Hebe = » - 8 rptgetnolan MD ‘es a We ¢ Dkoa Ob Medt id be 37 ge

he ed Lebbiny & HO debe Vk 3 Be bil nS go? J 99 WH Tj eee ne met beLeARE wg) .

po iy.» ooze 2 Way 28, 1942 D GRL PES . / + oh ir pe

Special Agent in Charge lee Angeles, California


Dear Sirs

By memoranda dated May 15, 1942, the State Depart~ ised the Bureau that “i the subject, wes s a3 @ peapenger on next

wovaee bat the 3. 5. “Drattzinghola” would make to the United tates,

The abeve is being furnished to you fer your infor~ mtion.

Very tewly yours,

John Sdgar Hoover Director

ces 2 wee /] a, E Tamm . . i ee Geen ALLASFORMATION conrad u JY badd HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED L Nichels DATE i ) Su BY 5 21. AY Rosen oracy COMMUNICATIONS SECTION ) . (arson - .


& MAY 28 1942 PM.


MeGuire Oo Quinn Tamm_ “7 Neage ag Ganay


fen Gr 22

CC-287 ta Lt ts P P ts iy Ce tes ee ts at) pate Pri Rnited Siates Department of Justice Es ti Mashington, B. C. Mr. Trecy_ ie te a Md ed rer tae ae bt SOT Cl a s Mr. Kramer Ee Mr McGuire _ MEMORANDUM FOR KR. A Mr Herbe , Mr. Quias Ta REPATRIATION 0 CITIZE) IP tee ABOARD SS D

Reference is made to the list dat by the State Department and given to § consists of the names of twenty-seven American tizens who wil to this country from Europe aboard the SS Drottingholm which i et eM eS MeL e ee baci Mids em oe tae ee, a ee st bh Tse ced whether the Bureau has any derog ion concerning a these indiv ce

Reference is wists of th als and

which was made up by the State Department and given Serer ae |

to determine whether the Bureau has any derogat nformation concerning

them. These also are « ne to this country aboard > Drottinghol

are being considered in this morandum and

individuals concerning whom the Bureau has some se) 2 hse ad

be referr

rn citizen and also {f the Lon rlos Opera American citizs

tion was

Memo for ir. Ladd

SERS si aap!

a.m. to consider

(Ma) Meese ee Mel talc tte a

ep esiaeMehA a0 Past eS eM) Te Be and in the Official E Geneva, Swi

of her background and the

1 was from MJ 2 country which is d it would be very r e to admit her. sf a

voted to appr eer

pinted out in this hearing by the Inmigration authority that the applic husband arrive ry in August, 19h). apparently obtained his visa in Swit J SOE BEA taedtt 4) dominated territory. This, of course, throws considerable oe SL 25% ae tr eC Ser te oh oa: i


the case of O-1202) that in the m

an article dated November 17, announcement of the marriage of

etty, age lid, of Los Angeles and New York. The weciding took p ® c tember 1), 1939 in Rome Italy, in the American Consulate. It is believed that this SeTebG SEs tt) BMEb E-] identical with the who 1s coming to this country

on the § jrottingholn.

Jean Paul Getty was born in inneapolis in December, avery rich man, his family having made its money in oil holdi


Memo for Mr. Ladd Siete ee

Said to be outspoken in support of Germany and Nazi ideology and highly approves of the effectiveness of the Nazi system. He has been in Germany several times each year prior to 1912 and reportedly was closely associated

The Los Angeles Office reported that Getty attempted to export 50,000 barrels of oil to Germany before the Neutrality Act became effective. He has had in his employ former members of the German Army, Navy and Intelligence units.

is said to have been married at least four times and is constantly sing" women, regardless of his marital status. Ae aes been reported to be consorting with SE in Mexico City. There is also said to be closely associated with Mexican Government officials.

Me aA eG Te CMe Le etc tl Me OL Mee tt te wey oes is engaged in espionage or related activities, although he has been the ct of many reports concerning activities inimical to the best interests is country.

the above information be telephonically

r given to se A artment, who has requested it, and co s of the State Department memoranda of Vay 6 and y 13, 192,

described above, be returned to Special i in order that

i Cee se lll ee isly objected to the ae —=—=—6060l0lllC BREE

same opinion, althor i i defer to the judgment of the State concerning he

s recommended tha °





wd CM ee

oor ey

KCH b Ser 6/16 42 r a *

>” 7, 4 : ___— a ro «General Staff p/

wets: Military Tatelligence Service Departeaent Yoahington DC

From J eae Hoover - Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation


Under date of June 6, 1942, there was received at this Bureau an anonysous communication postmarked June 4, 1942, at New York, New York, which reade as follows

"Please give the enclosed your attention Did not the newspapers announce that the final negotiations of sale of the property to said owngr mentioned in this article ware concluded by cable while he was in BERLIN, & guest of ADOLPH HITLER

"Alec, please check um on the following’ SAID HOTEL SE KREPER,*

Baclosed with the above letter was a newepaper clipping of @ coluan entitled "Sroadway*® written by one Danton Walker The itea which the anonymous letter refers to appeare in this column and is as follows:

"Paul Getty, owner of the Hotel Pierre, is now president. of the Spartan Aircraft Co , at Tulsa, Okla °

There is no additional inforsation in the clipoing concerned with this matter The above data are being furnished for your,4 ee tion eee ,


* JUN 17 19424 iw


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JUN 95 28D

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